Summer 2021

 Sheesh! It's been a while. 

I hope you're surviving the pandemic in good health. My heart goes out to anyone who lost family or loved ones in the past year. It's been a challenging time for many. My father passed in early 2020, unrelated to covid. It was a difficult time for our family, that's for sure. Though in hindsight, we take small comfort knowing it was a blessing that we were able to visit with him in the hospital and that he spent his final days in his home. I can only imagine the additional grief for those who were unable to visit dying loved ones in the hospital or unable to have them home because of covid. My sincere condolences.

I'm now located in my hometown, Rochester MN. I'm staying close, providing primary assistance to my mom to help her make it through the pandemic in her home. We're currently facing growing concern over delta variant so I haven't returned to gigging. Playing it safe to help keep mom healthy.

Over the past 18 months I've been doing live online concerts, teaching guitar [ and drum ] lessons online. Also, posting video performances to my Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels. [Links below] 

So..My musical life exists online. I'll endeavor to keep posting so you won't forget about me. 

Please reach out if you'd like to be in touch. I'm happy to respond! I've even been known to write a long-winded letter now and again.

Here's to brighter days ahead. Cheers

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