Winter 2013

The Acoustic Coffee Mornings at The Lakeside Coffee Room.
 This month marks my return to getting up REALLY early on the weekend and heading to my neighborhood coffee house on Sundays. I'll be playing some finger-style guitar instrumentals before exercising my morning voice and singing some songs. Every week, until it starts to get warmer outside.

The Sugar Daddies Duo
 Michael Gruber and Andrew Nath continue to play and sing their versions of soulful classic RnB, Pop, and Rock covers as well as their originals. We have a Private Show in February and are booking into Spring and Summer. Let us know if you have a party you need us to attend!

Next month is FAWM!
 I'm getting ready to write some new tunes, 14 songs in 28 days to be exact. I'll be posting video of the songs at where you can always check my music, new and old.

A few things in the works! It's a bird, no... a plane, no... it's a band!
 Rehearsing a band this winter with plans to get out and play in the Spring and Summer. I'll keep you posted. I'm going to continue to add onto my website/blog with a HeadStock Music - Guitar and Piano Music page and a Wedding Singer and Guitarist page. Share with your friends, family and neighbors if they are seeking lessons or music for a special event.

Add a comment down below and stay tuned for more to come... Michael

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